Training courses in PLS software
As an official agent for Power Line Systems (PLS), we offer training courses in this industry-leading software for the design of overhead electric power transmission, distribution, and communication lines and their structures.

Cost-effective power line design
If you are planning and designing power line systems, you need the most advanced software available. The PLS suite of software includes applications such as PLS-CADD, TOWER, and PLS-POLE: powerful yet easy-to-use programs to assist in overhead line design byby automating the calculation of design loads and the checking of structure strength and conductor clearances according to international standards. They cut the time and cost of producing sophisticated designs. As agents, EFLA provides technical support, training, and assistance with the purchase of new PLS software. Our training courses are aimed at both beginners and advanced users and can also be tailored to the user's specific requirements.
Expert PLS instruction
EFLA’s instructors are highly qualified and experienced and have used PLS software for decades. We offer hands-on courses in:
1. Design of overhead power lines using PLS-CADD. This is the industry standard in overhead power line design and drafting software. This course will teach you how to use PLS-CADD on a transmission or distribution project from start to finish, including importing survey data, criteria development, structure modelling, conductor sagging, and plan & profile drawing development and plotting.
2. Design of Transmission and Distribution Lines using advanced features in PLS-CADD
This course is for advanced users.
PLS software skills
The practical, hands-on classes offered by EFLA are the very best way to get to grips with any new technology. With EFLA’s expert instruction, you and your team will soon be at ease with the very latest PLS software, ready to start work on designing power lines and structures. Find out more about our upcoming PLS training courses or sign up to receive information about new courses and dates. [Link to relevant page]