Emergency Response Planning
In an emergency, having a robust plan and safety measures in place helps organisations avoid disaster. EFLA works with clients to design emergency response plans (ERP) that outline the crucial steps.

Risk assessments
Risks come in all shapes and sizes, but the underlying principles of managing them are very similar. A good ERP is based on careful risk assessment, covering potential incidents such as operational hazards, accidents, infrastructure failure and natural disasters. Formulating the ERP is only one stage of the risk management process. The plan needs to be embedded into the organisation through training. It must be regularly evaluated through practice and drills, and periodically reviewed and updated. If so, it becomes an extremely valuable tool, helping to protect people and resources and ensure business continuity in challenging circumstances.
Understanding natural hazards
At EFLA, we've got significant experience in ERP projects, gained from working with companies in fields such as energy infrastructure, utilities, the built environment, and tourism. This experience, plus our breadth of knowledge, gives us a strong platform from which to apply ERP methodology to any circumstance. Our in-depth knowledge of Iceland's environment gives us the expertise to design ERPs to deal with natural disasters such as landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, and flooding. We’ll work with you on preparing ERPs for your organisation, putting safety measures in place and supporting your swift response to unpredictable events.
Safe, resilient organisations
Emergency resource planning is an essential part of building a resilient, future-proofed organisation. A good plan aims to mitigate risk and minimise the potential negative consequences of adverse emergency situations and incidents. It safeguards workers and resources, helps people keep a clear head and take decisive action during any incident, and promotes business continuity. With regular updating, ERP will become part of the culture at any thriving, forward-thinking organisation.