Bridge in the country side in summertime.

Highway and bridge design, Trøndelag, Norway

NorwayTransportation and Mobility

Design of a 16.5 km long strip of a road (Fv715) from Keiserås to Olsøy in Trøndelag in Norway. The road is part of the toll route network "Fosenvegene".

  • The Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Service components

The project's objective

Fv. 715 Keiserås - Olsøy is part of the toll route network "Fosenvegene", owned by eight municipalities in Fosen, the Agdenes municipality, and the Northern and Southern Trøndelag counties. The project's main objective is to improve the quality of the existing Fv. 82/155 road is the primary connection between Trondheim and the outer parts of Fosen. Once completed, the new road is named Fv. 715. The part between Keiserås and Olsøy is in total 16.5 km long.

The project was divided into two parts. The first leg of the road lies within the Leksvik municipality, between Keiserås and Kråkmo at the boundary between North- and South-Trøndelag, and is approximately 13 km long. The road alignment mostly follows the existing Fv. 82's alignment, and this leg of the road contains four bridges and a culvert.

The second leg of the road lies from the boundary between North- and South-Trøndelag to Olsøy, approximately 3.5 km in length. This leg of the road contains two bridges.

The project undertaken by EFLA involved tender design and specifications according to the Norwegian Public Road Authorities' design regulations. This applied to the two new stretches of the Fv. 715 road and to four bridges.

The Omundvåg bridge is 50 m long and has three spans. It is a post-tensioned concrete slab bridge with abutments and retaining walls at each end.

The Breilielv bridge has a main span of 19 m and two side spans of 2.5 m each. It is also a post-tensioned concrete slab bridge with abutments and retaining walls at each end.

The Olsøy bridge is a three-span, 38 m-long reinforced concrete bridge.

The Skaudal bridge is a three-span, 90 m long, steel-concrete composite bridge. The interface design between the bridge and the riverbanks on either side presented a significant challenge due to the formation of "quick-clay" in the ground layers at the site. The "quick-clay" is a highly unstable geological formation. This challenge was met by an innovative solution that uses plastics to soften the transfer of forces to and from the bridge ends.

EFLA's role

  • Highway design, 7.5 m wide road, approximately 16.5 km long
  • Design of intersections and ramps
  • Design of the 50 m long Omundvåg bridge
  • Design of the 19 m long Breilielv bridge
  • Design of the 38 m long Olsøy bridge
  • Design of the 90 m long Skaudal bridge

The project's long term benefits

Improved road network in the Trøndelag region of Central Norway.